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Rose Herbs and Honey

List of Products/Services Offered.


Raw Honey - 200g

Lovely raw honey from well tended bees. Not over heated or ultra filtered so that all the goodness is retained.

AUD 5.5

Raw Honey - 500g

Lovely raw honey from well tended bees. Not over heated or ultra filtered so that all the goodness is retained.


Raw Honey - 1kg

Lovely raw honey from well tended bees. Not over heated or ultra filtered so that all the goodness is retained.

AUD 13.5

Honeycomb - 100g

Comb straight from the hive, no processing, just popped in a box to keep it fresh. "Natures chewing gum"

AUD 5.5

Honeycomb in Raw Honey - 500g

Lovely raw honey from well tended bees. Not over heated or ultra filtered so that all the goodness is retained. With a bonus! Includes a portion of honeycomb in the jar.

AUD 10.5

Beeswax Food Wrap (Small) 20cm x 20cm

An excellent way to reduce the amount of single use plastic used in the house. These fully reusable food wraps can keep you food fresh just like cling wrap, last for months and can be cleaned by wiping with a damp cloth or gently in lukewarm water. Fully compostible at the end of use. Made with a blend of beeswax from my own hives and organic coconut oil that is impregnated into a pure cotton cloth. Colours of material will vary from time to time.


Beeswax Food Wrap (Medium) 30cm x 30cm

An excellent way to reduce the amount of single use plastic used in the house. These fully reusable food wraps can keep you food fresh just like cling wrap, last for months and can be cleaned by wiping with a damp cloth or gently in lukewarm water. Fully compostible at the end of use. Made with a blend of beeswax from my own hives and organic coconut oil that is impregnated into a pure cotton cloth. Colours of material will vary from time to time.

AUD 10

Beeswax Food Wrap (X-Large) 50cm x 50cm

An excellent way to reduce the amount of single use plastic used in the house. These fully reusable food wraps can keep you food fresh just like cling wrap, last for months and can be cleaned by wiping with a damp cloth or gently in lukewarm water. Fully compostible at the end of use. Made with a blend of beeswax from my own hives and organic coconut oil that is impregnated into a pure cotton cloth. Colours of material will vary from time to time.

AUD 15

Nucleus Hive

4 frame nucleus hive. Including plenty of bees, two frames of food and two frames of brood, a laying Queen and transport box.

AUD 130

10 Frame Langstroth Hive

A quality 10 frame hive in the Langstroth pattern, including vented lid, 10 wooden or plastic full depth frames, hive mat and hive base. Available in the flat, assembled ready for painting or fully finished. ps. - Image to be updated with new vented lid

AUD 200
